After update jobs don't terminate properly

Jenkins setup:
I am running Jenkins for years on windows (server). A pain, I know.
I updated from version 2.414.2 to 2.492.1 and an other machine from 2.479.3 to 2.492.1.
Both show the same behaviour:

  1. when I run a pipeline and it finishes (result doesn’t matter) it shows in the GUI console output it is still running (the three dots at the end).

but what is really important:
2. I start other jobs within a pipeline:

build job: 'Changelog', wait: true

this worked fine:

13:42:53  [Pipeline] build (Building Changelog)
13:42:53  Scheduling project: Changelog
13:42:59  Starting building: Changelog #267
13:43:29  Build Changelog #267 completed: SUCCESS
13:43:29  [Pipeline] copyArtifacts
13:43:29  2 Artefakte aus "Changelog" Buildnummer 267 kopiert
13:43:29  [Pipeline] echo

Now it stays in “Starting building” forever.
If I add “waitForStart: true” it dosn’t wait for it to finish and copies the artefacts from the previous build.

I have a workaround for now, but that is not the way I want it:

def b = build job: 'Changelog', waitForStart: true
          while (b.result == null)
            output = bat returnStdout: true, script: 'sleep 2'
            // or
            output = sh returnStdout: true, script: '#!/bin/sh -e\nsleep 2'

Any idea why this happens. Is there a new parameter for the build step I don’t know about?