After Build the list of Jobs dissapear

I have to find a solution to a problem at our company. We use Jenkins 2.452.2
My Problem is that after a Build the Jobs dissapear from the groups so in the Named groups have no Jobs in them, and just at the “All” can I see the jobs.

It seems that some of the plugins make a clean up or something altough I cound not find any evidence to it.
Could you help me to find the solution or point me to a ticket where this is solved?

The following installed plugins are deprecated
Popper.js API Plugin
JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin
WMI Windows Agents Plugin
Bootstrap 4 API Plugin
JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin
Popper.js 2 API Plugin
JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin


Authentication Tokens API
This plugin provides an API for converting credentials into authentication tokens in Jenkins.
17 Tage ago 1.113.v81215a_241826

Branch API
Programmbibliotheken (von anderen Plugins verwendet)
This plugin provides an API for multiple branch based projects.
15 Stunden ago 2.1169.va_f810c56e895

credentialsProgrammbibliotheken (von anderen Plugins verwendet)
This plugin allows you to store credentials in Jenkins.
13 Tage ago 1361.v56f5ca_35d21c

GitHub Branch Source
Multibranch projects and organization folders from GitHub. Maintained by CloudBees, Inc.
8 Tage 16 Stunden ago 1789.v5b_0c0cea_18c3

HTML Publisher
This plugin publishes HTML reports.
10 Tage ago 1.35

Allows JUnit-format test results to be published.
1 Tag 17 Stunden ago 1265.v65b_14fa_f12f0

Office 365 Connector
Sends jobs status notifications to Microsoft Teams and Outlook (Office 365).
6 Tage 9 Stunden ago 4.21.1

Pipeline: API
Programmbibliotheken (von anderen Plugins verwendet)Verschiedenes
Plugin that defines Pipeline API.
7 Tage 19 Stunden ago 1316.v33eb_726c50b_a_

Pipeline: Declarative
An opinionated, declarative Pipeline.
14 Tage ago 2.2203.v89fa_170c2b_f5

Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API
APIs for extension points used in Declarative Pipelines.
14 Tage ago 2.2203.v89fa_170c2b_f5

Pipeline: Groovy
Pipeline execution engine based on continuation passing style transformation of Groovy scripts.
15 Tage ago 3903.v48a_8836749e9

Pipeline: Model API
Model API for Declarative Pipeline.
14 Tage ago 2.2203.v89fa_170c2b_f5

Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata
Library plugin for Pipeline stage tag metadata.
14 Tage ago 2.2203.v89fa_170c2b_f5

Pipeline: Step API
Programmbibliotheken (von anderen Plugins verwendet)Verschiedenes
API for asynchronous build step primitive.
17 Tage ago 657.v03b_e8115821b_

Pipeline: Supporting APIs
Programmbibliotheken (von anderen Plugins verwendet)Verschiedenes
Common utility implementations to build Pipeline Plugin
15 Tage ago 907.v6713a_ed8a_573

SSH Credentials
credentialsProgrammbibliotheken (von anderen Plugins verwendet)
Allows storage of SSH credentials in Jenkins

Thank you in Advance,

I habe restarted Jenkins and noticed that it removes the jobs from the Groups visible at the above image.
This was the log of the restart. Maybe just a little restart configuration could fix the issue:
Anyone had something like this before?
Juli 26, 2024 2:07:09 PM INFORMATION hudson.WebAppMain contextInitialized

Jenkins home directory: C:\WINDOWS\ServiceProfiles\LocalService.jenkins found at: $user.home/.jenkins

Juli 26, 2024 2:07:10 PM INFORMATION jenkins.InitReactorRunner$1 onAttained

Started initialization

Juli 26, 2024 2:07:13 PM INFORMATION jenkins.InitReactorRunner$1 onAttained

Listed all plugins

Juli 26, 2024 2:07:24 PM INFORMATION jenkins.InitReactorRunner$1 onAttained

Prepared all plugins

Juli 26, 2024 2:07:24 PM INFORMATION jenkins.InitReactorRunner$1 onAttained

Started all plugins

Juli 26, 2024 2:07:24 PM INFORMATION jenkins.InitReactorRunner$1 onAttained

Augmented all extensions

Juli 26, 2024 2:07:26 PM INFORMATION load

global timeout not set

Juli 26, 2024 2:07:27 PM INFORMATION jenkins.InitReactorRunner$1 onAttained

System config loaded

Juli 26, 2024 2:07:30 PM INFORMATION jenkins.InitReactorRunner$1 onAttained

System config adapted

Juli 26, 2024 2:07:30 PM INFORMATION jenkins.InitReactorRunner$1 onAttained

Loaded all jobs

Juli 26, 2024 2:07:30 PM INFORMATION org.jenkins.plugins.lockableresources.NodesMirror createNodeResources

lockable-resources-plugin: configure node resources

Juli 26, 2024 2:07:30 PM INFORMATION jenkins.InitReactorRunner$1 onAttained

Configuration for all jobs updated

Juli 26, 2024 2:07:30 PM INFORMATION jenkins.InitReactorRunner$1 onAttained

Completed initialization

Juli 26, 2024 2:07:30 PM INFORMATION org.jenkinsci.plugins.skipcert.ItemListenerImpl onLoaded

Bypassing certificate check

Juli 26, 2024 2:07:30 PM INFORMATION hudson.lifecycle.Lifecycle onReady

Jenkins is fully up and running

Juli 26, 2024 2:07:31 PM WARNUNG hudson.model.DownloadService$Downloadable updateNow

No tool installer metadata found for

I’m not aware of that problems.
Does it mean you can reproduce the problem by restarting Jenkins without any jobs running? If yes do you have by chance some init.groovy script that creates those views on startup and then overwrites the configuration?

Yes, I can reproduca by new start. I do it from the Tools and Actions (on the website of Jenkins with the “Restart Safely” ones no jobs are running. I do not have access to the groovy file but I try to look inside today.
Maybe there is a problem with my plugins. Here is a list of the deprecations.
Do you think this can cause the problem and if yes how can I solve this?

I recommend to uninstall the plugins, thought they should not be the cause of the jobs disappearing.

Thank you for your fast reply. I highly appriciate your advice and we are going to do exactly this. Thank you!