Access individual Parameters from input (MAP) within decalarative pipeline

Jenkins setup:

Hi All,

Jenkins: 2.452.1
OS: Linux - 3.10.0-1160.
Java: 11.0.23 - Eclipse Adoptium (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM)

I don’t have much knowledge of Jenkins but I’m trying to build a declarative pipeline where I want the build to pause and give the user the need to provide 2 input parameters.

TAG_PARAMETERS = input id: 'no-tag-provided', 
                    message: "Provide tag details here.  The previous version was: ${env.GIT_LAST_TAG}", 
                    ok: 'Continue', 
                    parameters: [
                        string(name: 'TAG_IDENTIFIER', defaultValue: '', description: 'Tag ID'),
                        text(name: 'TAG_DESCRIPTION', defaultValue: '', description: 'Tag Description')

This is what I get back when I run the build and provide values:


How do I get the values from this map?

Any help would be great as I’ve been scratching my head on this for some time now.



It’s groovy and what you get is a map so e.g. TAG_PARAMETERS.TAG_IDENTIFIER should be possible

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