Why is pom.xml not build?

Hello, I’m opening an issue again because I can’t understand where the problem comes from. I just changed the version number in pom.xml. but i am getting error. I had not changed the comitte version I threw for the previous pr, but I was still getting this error. Can someone explain in detail why I am getting these errors for a small update?



[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:3.1.0:install (default-install) on project codethreat-scanner: Failed to install artifact io.jenkins.plugins:codethreat-scanner:pom:1.12.v049ee5efe711 : Trailing char < > at index 121: C:\Jenkins\workspace\codethreat-scanner-plugin_master@tmp\m2repo\io\jenkins\plugins\codethreat-scanner\1.12.v049ee5efe711 \codethreat-scanner-1.12.v049ee5efe711 .pom -> [Help 1]
11:26:05  org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:3.1.0:install (default-install) on project codethreat-scanner: Failed to install artifact io.jenkins.plugins:codethreat-scanner:pom:1.12.v049ee5efe711 : Trailing char < > at index 121: C:\Jenkins\workspace\codethreat-scanner-plugin_master@tmp\m2repo\io\jenkins\plugins\codethreat-scanner\1.12.v049ee5efe711 \codethreat-scanner-1.12.v049ee5efe711 .pom

Here it says line 121 also has wood where is line 121 ?

I just changed something very simple, but I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t get this information, what am I forgetting and doing wrong?

The repository is configured for continuous delivery. That means you have delegated the control of the plugin version number to the continuous delivery system. You should generally not change the revision property. Changing the revision property from 1 to 1.0.1 is not really a help to your users, since they will see a version number that looks like it is using continuous delivery (1.9v…) then will see a version number that looks like you’re using semantic versioning without continuous delivery (…).

The error message that is displayed in that build is due to the trailing space character that was in the .mvn/maven.config file in that commit. The value of changelist.format included a trailing space character and that trailing space was assumed to be intentional. As far as I can tell, you’ve removed the trailing space in later commits, so that should not be an issue.