I’m using a Pipeline on the Jenkins-Server (master). Attached to the server are 40 agents. The Agents have different configurations, like Harddrives and or operation systems, could be windows, linux etc. The Pipeline-Jobs are using a toolset, which contains several build-tools like sdk, ant, groovy etc. and the toolset is versioned, like “toolset1_1”, “toolset3_4” etc.
I defined a global environment_variable in the Jenkins-Server (master). And i would like to use this global variable, to define a local variable for the agents. The target is, to configure a variable only once on the jenkins-Server without the need, to define the toolset-path individually on each agent.
For the Jenkins-Server:
For the Agent A
For the Agent B
For the Agent C
But the combined local Variable is not working out, ill receive: c:\tools\toolset_%TOOLSET_VERSION% instead of the wanted c:\tools\toolset_2_7