Nov 9, 2022 - User feature flags, web components, UX future
- Attending
- Tim Jacomb
- Jan Faracik
- Jake Leon
- Wadeck Follonier
- Thorsten Scherler
- Antoine Neveaux
- Fran Fernandez
- Landon Owens
- Bruno Verachten
- Alex Brandes
- Arthur Caron
- Julien Greffe
- Mark Waite
- Topics
- Security reviews for UX pull requests - Tim
- Progress report
- Concerns?
- One or more pull requests that have been pending for 3 weeks without a response
- 11 open, don’t want requests in “needs-review”
- Replace YUI tooltips with Tippy.js by janfaracik · Pull Request #6408 · jenkinsci/jenkins · GitHub - Tippy replacement for YahooUI (prioritize highest)
- Add search bar for top level settings in Manage Jenkins by janfaracik · Pull Request #7314 · jenkinsci/jenkins · GitHub -
- fix: change icon to symbol by ealvesss · Pull Request #7229 · jenkinsci/jenkins · GitHub - 23 days waiting
- Wadeck discuss with the security team to prioritize
- Discuss with team if we should suspend the reviews
- Discuss hosting request reviews at the same time
- One or more pull requests that have been pending for 3 weeks without a response
- User feature flags - Wadeck Follonier
- https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/pull/7299
- Will allow UI experiments to land a lot quicker, without needing full consensus
- Discovery / beta approach
- Web components in Jenkins UX - Thorsten Scherler
- [sirocco_based] refactor to be based on sirocco-wc by scherler · Pull Request #158 · jenkinsci/design-library-plugin · GitHub (draft)
- Comparing jenkinsci:master...scherler:material_ui_checkbox · jenkinsci/jenkins · GitHub
- Web components intro slides - https://slideswithsuperpowers.netlify.app/1
- Web components use is starting on the jenkins.io static site(s)
- Thorsten exploring with code how to separate front end and back end and still retain Jenkins plugin support
- Tables to divs migration as a possible example
- Logic in the plugins to support both, then after baseline updated, could drop support for the old API
- Icons, guava, JAXB, and others have used that pattern
- UX futures talk at DevOps World 2022 - Tim Jacomb & Jan Faracik
- Pointer to event
- DevOps World event site
- Feedback welcomed, very early days for a redesign
- Lots of aspiration, lots of different ideas for approaches
- Feedback on the chat channel during the event
- Longer term chat in the ux-sig gitter chat channel
- CloudBees has proprietary plugins that hook into the Jenkins UI
- What is needed for plugin compatibility with the future UI?
- Very early ideas being explored
- As customizable as what we have now
- Possibly under different jelly components
- What is needed for plugin compatibility with the future UI?
- Does the new UI idea mean that we’ll need to update acceptance test harness tests?
- Seems like it, since they are coupled to UI layout
- Will be a series of many incremental steps
- Many pull requests updating things at component level
- Arrive at the new design by series of increments
- Open UX regressions
- Hacktoberfest results
- Jean-Marc Meessen preparing blog posts to summarize results
- Content Security Policy: 16 tickets created, 12 tickets resolved
- Other highlights?
- Jean-Marc Meessen preparing blog posts to summarize results
- Security reviews for UX pull requests - Tim