Mar 1, 2023 - Keyboard nav, Work in progress, User feedback
- Mark Waite
- Tim Jacomb
- Sayantan Mondal
- Adrien Lecharpentier
- Alexander Brandes
- Cristina Pizzagalli
- Jake Leon
- Antoine Neveux
- Kevin Martens
- Ullrich Hafner
- Improve keyboard usability - Cristina Pizzagalli
- CloudBees wants to achieve WCAG AA compliance
- Found some issues in Jenkins that need to be fixed
- Accessibility changes need some best practices so that upstream changes in Jenkins can be used easily elsewhere
- Accessibility issues have been a long list in an Excel file
- Navigation and breadcrumbs and sidebar
- Accessibility audits frequently hit a problem with keyboard nav
- Better to improve the keyboard navigation using accessible device
- Breaking into phases
- Framework navigation with breadcrumbs, sidebar, etc.
- Tend to walk through ideal path, then get stuck in navigation
- Cristina happy to create keyboard navigation tickets in Jira
- Needs to also handle a CloudBees internal process to include
- Would want someone that tests the Jira issue to confirm it
- Mark review the steps with Cristina for ticket
- Problem only in Jenkins core or also in plugins?
- Core issues are likely a barrier to block access to plugins
- Later phases will look at plugin improvements
- CloudBees wants to achieve WCAG AA compliance
- What’s happened recently in UI improvements
- Pipeline graph viewer improvements
- What’s coming in UI improvements
- “Simplified settings name” open - link shared in chat
- A few open tickets https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc+author%3Ajanfaracik
- Feedback welcome: “Card layout” for dash view on mobile - https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/pull/7581
- Waiting on acceptance tests, tests are currently broken
- Deprecation of Jenkins Javascript libraries (js-libs: ace-editor, momentjs, etc.)
- Now deprecated, removed, everything is working fine
- Work in progress:
- Simplify setting names
- card layout for mobile
- feature flags > Can be discussed in next meeting
- User feedback
- Feedback in the I’m disappointed post on community
- Next steps: Uncertain, quite a bit of work, resources? For now, identify most pressing issues, create Jira ticket for highest priority item, include info/mockups/suggestions/label appropriately
- Discuss on Gitter before creating ticket, draft pull request for early feedback
- After discussions in Gitter, bring up in next meeting for follow-up
- JENKINS-70394 resolved, major issue to control node status
- Feedback in the I’m disappointed post on community
- Improve keyboard usability - Cristina Pizzagalli