Use parallel to run another parallel stages

Hi Community,

I have one type of test(tlc test), and it has two stages that are setup and run runs in parallel. Now, I want to add another type of test(qlc test) and try to reuse the existing setup and run job. However, when I try to run this, only one type of test gets bootup instead of two.

Here is my test script:

def modules = ["tlc","qlc"]
def failFast = false
def builds = [:]
for(module in modules){
    def item = module+"-test"
    println("${item} is running")
    builds[module] = {
            def run = [:]
            run[module+"-setup"] = {
                build job : "down1",parameters:[
                    string(name: 'type', value: module)
            run[module+"-test"] = {
                build job : "down2",parameters:[
                    string(name: 'type', value: module)
            run.failFast = true
            parallel run

builds.failFast = failFast
parallel builds

Pipeline result:
As you can see, the downstream job only bootup down1-2 #9.

11:44:55  tlc-test is running
11:44:55  [Pipeline] echo
11:44:55  qlc-test is running
11:44:55  [Pipeline] parallel
11:44:55  [Pipeline] { (Branch: tlc)
11:44:55  [Pipeline] { (Branch: qlc)
11:44:56  [Pipeline] parallel
11:44:56  [Pipeline] { (Branch: qlc-setup)
11:44:56  [Pipeline] { (Branch: qlc-test)
11:44:56  [Pipeline] parallel
11:44:56  [Pipeline] { (Branch: qlc-setup)
11:44:56  [Pipeline] { (Branch: qlc-test)
11:44:56  [Pipeline] build (Building down1)
11:44:56  Scheduling project: down1
11:44:56  [Pipeline] build (Building down2)
11:44:56  Scheduling project: down2
11:44:56  [Pipeline] build (Building down1)
11:44:56  Scheduling project: down1
11:44:56  [Pipeline] build (Building down2)
11:44:56  Scheduling project: down2
11:45:05  Starting building: down2 #9
11:45:05  Starting building: down2 #9
11:45:05  Starting building: down1 #9
11:45:05  Starting building: down1 #9
11:45:15  Build down1 #9 completed: SUCCESS
11:45:15  Build down1 #9 completed: SUCCESS
11:45:15  [Pipeline] }
11:45:15  [Pipeline] }
11:45:25  Build down2 #9 completed: SUCCESS
11:45:25  Build down2 #9 completed: SUCCESS
11:45:25  [Pipeline] }
11:45:25  [Pipeline] // parallel
11:45:25  [Pipeline] }
11:45:25  [Pipeline] }
11:45:25  [Pipeline] // parallel
11:45:25  [Pipeline] }
11:45:25  [Pipeline] // parallel
11:45:25  [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
11:45:25  Finished: SUCCESS

Using for-in loops in groovy-cps is a known problem IIRC. I would re-write this using collectEntries to populate the builds map instead:

def modules = ["tlc","qlc"]
def failFast = false
def builds = modules.collectEntries { module ->
    return [(module): {
        def item = module+"-test"
        println("${item} is running")
        def run = [:]
        run[module+"-setup"] = {
            build job : "down1",parameters:[
                string(name: 'type', value: module)
        run[module+"-test"] = {
            build job : "down2",parameters:[
                string(name: 'type', value: module)
        run.failFast = true
        parallel run
builds.failFast = failFast
parallel builds
1 Like

Thanks, @stuartrowe

This really solves my problem.