Upgrade to 2.479.1 problem with OpenJ9 Java 16 agent

Jenkins setup:Version 2.479.1 please see attached file
script-console.log (4.1 KB)

I was on 2.462.3, please see attached old setup
old-Jenkins- 2-462.log (4.2 KB)

I chose to update my plugins then I updated to 2.479.1

after update jenkins booted normally but failed to connect to any of my ssh agents, the error message was:
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Failed to load hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer$SlaveVersion
Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: JVMCFRE003 bad major version; class=hudson/slaves/SlaveComputer$SlaveVersion, offset=6
please see attached file for full logs
node-logs.log (6.4 KB)

I tried to roll back but with the plugins updated the problem even grow bigger and rolling back is not an option now.
any hint or suggest to bring my agents back is very appreciated,


The agent log includes the line:


Jenkins does not support Java 16. Jenkins does not support the Eclipse OpenJ9 virtual machine. Jenkins supports Java 17 and Java 21 with the Hotspot virtual machine. We know that Eclipse Temurin, OpenJDK, and many other Hotspot based virtual machines work very well with Jenkins.

Be sure that your agent is running the same JVM version as your controller. The versions node monitors plugin can help you keep your agent virtual machines aligned with your controller virtual machine.

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comparing the node logs with some history logs I am not seeing in the new logs these lines:

Checking Java version in the PATH
bash: java: command not found
Java is not in the PATH nor configured with the javaPath setting, Jenkins will try to guess where is Java, this guess will be removed in the future. :Launch agents via SSH
[10/09/24 12:10:19] [SSH] Checking java version of /home/jenkins/agent/jdk/bin/java
[10/09/24 12:10:19] [SSH] /home/jenkins/agent/jdk/bin/java -version returned 16.0.1.

I guess this missing steps say somthing, why with the newest Jenkins version and plugins we are not setting java version properly?

thank you @MarkEWaite for the quick respond,
this java rejection is it something that comes with the newer jenkins 2.479.1?
I admit that for the first time I did not go through change logs before updating :frowning:

my jenkins agent container is based on this package:
From adoptopenjdk:openj9-focal
and it seems updating is something not straight forward,
any link or better startup package you may suggest?

2.479.1 requires Java 17 and upgrades to Spring Security 6, Jakarta EE 9, and Jetty 12.

Look at the Jenkins agent images (inbound agent and ssh agent) for preferred agents with known good Java versions

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appreciate the tips, I started jenkins agent out of eclipse-temurin:17-jre.
after some work around because I could not install some pip dependacies the image was build, did not have time to hook it as I had some urgent job deliveries that I had to switich to my backup jenkins, will keep jenkins community posted with how it will be work out for me