Unable to SSH connection

Hi Team,
I am trying to connect jenkins by using ssh but i m getting the following error, can you please check and provide the solution for it.
jenkins.plugins.publish_over.BapPublisherException: Failed to connect and initialize SSH connection. Message: [Failed to connect SFTP channel. Message [java.io.IOException: inputstream is closed]]

Hello @Ajay and welcome to this community :wave:

What are you attempting to connect to? Are you trying to establish an SSH connection to the Jenkins controller? Or are you attempting to connect from the Jenkins controller to a Jenkins agent? Or is there another scenario you have in mind? Please provide further details and elaborate on your specific use case.

Hello @poddingue ,

I firstly thanks for your reply, here i am setting up CICD pipeline in Jenkins, so here i m trying to establish in SSH server to connect i gave all required thing there like Name, Hostname, Username. and in Advance also i checked the Use password authentication, or use a different key gave phrase or password there and port was opened at 22 and timeouts(ms) - 300000. but i m still getting the error jenkins.plugins.publish_over.BapPublisherException: Failed to connect and initialize SSH connection. Message: [Failed to connect SFTP channel. Message [java.io.IOException: inputstream is closed]].

Note: Its a windows server.

I am able to build and once this was cleared then i can take the backup and replace the latest build in our servers as per my configuration.

Can you please suggest any solution for this.

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Hi I encounter same error :

are you find a solution ? :thinking: