I have successfully setup a project using a jenkins pipeline. The build-process is run on an windows-10-based-agent, host#1. The agent can utilize up to 4 executors in parallel on host#1 and runs like a charm. The build-agent is setup as a windows service, so it is started automatically in the background host#1.
I now cloned that setup of the build-agent to host#2. The windows service is setup and runs. The build-agent is used, as I disabled the agent on host#1. I started the agent utilizing only one executor. The pipeline runs successfully. As soon as I start to increase the number of executor, the pipeline step that compile the c-based software always fails with very strange syntax-based errors. As soon as I decrease the number of executors to one and restart the pipeline everything works again smoothly.
I expierence this problem on two machines now. The build uses a custom workspace for the matrix build so everything should be in it’s own directory on the agent. I can verify that this is the case on all build-hosts.
Here is my pipeline setup:
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
pipeline {
agent any
options {
// don't checkout before every stage
// keep 10 most recent builds
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '10'))
environment {
stages {
stage('Prepare environment') {
steps {
script {
ORGANIZATION = "${env.JOB_NAME}".tokenize('/')[0]
MAIN_PROJECT = "${env.JOB_NAME}".tokenize('/')[1]
BRANCH = "${env.JOB_NAME}".tokenize('/')[2]
echo "BRANCH: ${BRANCH}"
stage('Clean') {
steps {
script {
echo "Cleaning up old build artifacts"
stage('Build & Test') {
failFast true
matrix {
axes {
axis {
name 'PRODUCT'
values 'A'
axis {
name 'TARGET'
values 'Release', 'Prototype', 'Endurance', 'Debug', 'Simulator'
stages {
stage('Matrix Build & Test') {
agent {
node {
label 'Compiler'
customWorkspace "${env.WORKSPACE}\\..\\${ORGANIZATION}\\${BRANCH}\\${PRODUCT}\\${TARGET}\\${MAIN_PROJECT}"
steps {
checkout scm
bat (
label: "Compile with compiler for ${PRODUCT}:${TARGET}",
script: "${env.WORKSPACE}\\cfg\\compile\\call_compiler.bat"
script {
if ("${TARGET}" == "Release") {
bat (
label: "Static Analysis with PC-Lint against MISRA-C:2012 for ${PRODUCT}:${TARGET}",
script: "${env.WORKSPACE}\\cfg\\lint\\call_linter.bat"
ISSUES_PCLINT = scanForIssues (
tool: pcLint (pattern: "build/test/static/report.txt")
post {
success {
// Provided by pipeline-utilty-steps-plugin
script {
zip (
archive: true,
overwrite: true,
glob: "src/*.hex",
zipFile: "build/firmware_${PRODUCT}_${TARGET}.zip"
always {
script {
if ("${TARGET}" == "Release") {
script {
zip (
archive: true,
overwrite: true,
glob: "build/test/static/report.txt",
zipFile: "build/test/static/report_${PRODUCT}_${TARGET}.zip"
post {
failure {
echo 'TODO add email notification about failed build.'
always {
echo 'TODO add reporting'
script {
if (!env.ABORTED && env.BRANCH_NAME == 'main') {
def issuesToPublish = []
issuesToPublish << ISSUES_PCLINT
// provided by warnings-ng-plugin
publishIssues (
issues : issuesToPublish
} else {
def issuesToPublish = []
issuesToPublish << ISSUES_PCLINT
// provided by warnings-ng-plugin
publishIssues (
issues : issuesToPublish
Does anyone experience such a problem? Any idea what to look for? Any help really appreciated.