Using jenkins pipeline for deployment using SFDX-cli and ANT
I’m getting this below error, searched internet a whole lot but not getting any help.
Note: Authorization of salesforce sandbox is succesfully happening from CLI bit not from jenkins pipeline, not sure whats the issue, can you please help.
Uninstalled and installed sfdx-cli but not helped.
let me know if you need any more details on this issue.
[echo] “warnings”: ,
[echo] “commandName”: “Grant”
[echo] }
[echo] Auth Error :
[echo] Auth Result : 1
[echo] Auth Result Response: {
[echo] “status”: 1,
[echo] “name”: “JwtGrant”,
[echo] “message”: “We encountered a JSON web token error, which is likely not an issue with Salesforce CLI. Here’s the error: Unexpected end of JSON input”,
[echo] “exitCode”: 1,
[echo] “context”: “Grant”,
[echo] “stack”: "JwtGrant: We encountered a JSON web token error, which is likely not an issue with Salesforce CLI. Here’s the error: Unexpected end of JSON input\n at Function.wrap (C:\Program Files\sfdx\client\node_modules\@salesforce\command\node_modules\@salesforce\core\lib\sfError.js:61:25)\n
In VM environemnt:
below is the command line and its output with exact error, the same error we are seeing in jenkins job also
where xxxxxx … in below command is my client Id
MINGW64 /c/Program Files (x86)/Jenkins/workspace/Deployment/certificate
$ sfdx auth:jwt:grant --clientid xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --jwtkeyfile server.key --username --instanceurl --json --loglevel error
"status": 1,
"name": "JwtGrant",
"message": "We encountered a JSON web token error, which is likely not an issue with Salesforce CLI. Here’s the error: EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Jenkins\\workspace\\Deployment\\.sf'",
"exitCode": 1,
"context": "Grant",
"stack": "JwtGrant: We encountered a JSON web token error, which is likely not an issue with Salesforce CLI. Here’s the error: EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Jenkins\\workspace\\Deployment\\.sf'\n at Function.wrap (C:\\Program Files\\sfdx\\client\\node_modules\\@salesforce\\command\\node_modules\\@salesforce\\core\\lib\\sfError.js:61:25)\n at Grant.catch (C:\\Program Files\\sfdx\\client\\node_modules\\@salesforce\\command\\lib\\sfdxCommand.js:267:38)\n at async Grant._run (C:\\Program Files\\sfdx\\client\\node_modules\\@salesforce\\command\\lib\\sfdxCommand.js:93:13)\n at async Config.runCommand (C:\\Program Files\\sfdx\\client\\node_modules\\@oclif\\config\\lib\\config.js:173:24)\n at async (C:\\Program Files\\sfdx\\client\\node_modules\\@oclif\\command\\lib\\main.js:27:9)\n at async SfdxMain._run (C:\\Program Files\\sfdx\\client\\node_modules\\@oclif\\command\\lib\\command.js:43:20)\n at async (C:\\Program Files\\sfdx\\client\\dist\\cli.js:162:47)",
"warnings": [],
"commandName": "Grant"
You have an access right problem. Check if the user doing this (jenkins, agent or otherwise) has access rights to write there. If it is C:\\Program Files (x86) you might need some admin rights on a Windows box. I’d suggest to move your workspace somewhere else.