I am experiencing an issue where a declarative pipeline is not triggering a stage that uses a when block on a changeset due to an empty changelog
Warning, empty changelog. Have you run checkout?
The pipeline is a multi-branch configuration that uses perforce and has “Auto cleanup and sync” as part of the populate options. It uses streams.
When performing a scan (manually or via pollSCM) on the multi-branch it identifies the latest changelist correctly and triggers a build. The stage does not execute though due to the changeset condition with the above warning.
The when block looks like this:
when {
anyOf {
triggeredBy 'UserIdCause'
changeset "**/*.cpp"
changeset "**/*.h"
changeset "**/*.cs"
changeset "**/*.uproject"
changeset "**/*.uplugin"
changeset "**/*.uasset"
changeset "**/*.ini"
Does anyone have any idea what might be the cause or areas to explore to try and remedy?