Mask steps in jenkins libraries variables

Jenkins setup: 2.462 LTS running in Kubernetes with Declarative pipelines. All plugins are under 3 weeks old.

We have a custom jenkins library where we have custom steps. One of the steps is intended to always run after the steps:

stage {
    agent { ... }
    steps { ... }
    post { always { postSteps() } }

The postSteps.groovy is roughly:

def call(Map args = [:]) {
    if (!args.label) {
        args.label = "clumioPostSteps(${args ? args.inspect() : ''})"
    if (fileExists('build/peak-ram.log')) {
        args.label += ' - peak ram'
    args.script = libraryResource('com/jenkinslib/shell/')
    archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'build/pod-metrics.tgz', fingerprint: false, )

My issue is that fileExists() and libraryResource() which are implementation details of postSteps() are shown as sequential steps of the stage to the users of the pipeline. I would like to have them masked as it is mostly noise as far as the pipeline business logic is concerned.
These ‘sub-steps’ are explicitly showed in both BlueOcean and the newer PipelineOverview views.

In this screenshot what I would like to see is the first 2 steps to be masked, the other 2 being meaningful to the end user: