Managing old data

Hi, I am migrating some jobs from an old to a new Jenkins controller. Many of the migrated jobs are reported as having old data. Here is an example:

CannotResolveClassException: jenkins.scm.cvs.QuietPeriodCompleted, CannotResolveClassException: jenkins.metrics.impl.TimeInQueueAction, CannotResolveClassException: io.jenkins.blueocean.service.embedded.BlueOceanUrlAction, CannotResolveClassException: org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.EnvInjectPluginAction, CannotResolveClassException: com.sonyericsson.rebuild.RebuildAction

The last line suggests the warning is associated with the Rebuild plugin but I don’t think these jobs are using that plugin.

Any thoughts about how to correct the data please?

In your /manage screen there is a manage old data link. That will go through all jobs and remove any plugin data for classes that no longer exist (uninstalled plugins, refactors, etc)

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