Here was a question that I was searching for… I think it’s solved now.
With Multibranch Pipeline, how do you restrict or limit the branches that will be processed?
Option 1:
Within the Jenkinfile code, in the pipeline, this example will limit branches to develop
, master
, and any pull request. It only affects a given stage. The rest of the pipeline will still run on all branches.
stage('My Stage 1') {
when {
branch 'develop'
branch 'master'
expression { env.CHANGE_ID != null }
steps {
sh '''#!/bin/bash
set -xe
echo "hello world"
Option 2:
In the Jenkins UI
Dashboard → job → Configuration → Branch Sources → (add this option) “Filter by name (with regular expression)”
Set a value such as this example: (develop|master|PR-.*)
That will limit branches to develop
, master
, and any pull request.
If anyone knows variations on the theme, alternative syntaxes, please post them.
Could the regex filter be written this way instead: develop master PR-.*
, as a space separated string?