Jenkins November 2022 Newsletter

Jenkins 2.375.1 was released on November 30, 2022 with more improvements to the user interface. Special thanks to Jan Faracik, Tim Jacomb, Alexander Brandes, Wadeck Follonier, Daniel Beck, and many others that were involved in the most recent improvements to the user experience.

The weather icons have been updated to be more recognizable. They continue to work well in both light themes and dark themes.

The plugin manager navigation has moved from the top of the page to the side panel. The search field is more visible.

The User Experience SIG is also pleased to note a valuable improvement in the Jenkins 2.380 weekly release. The tooltips that were previously provided by the unmaintained and long outdated YahooUI JavaScript library are now being provided by the Tippy.js JavaScript framework. Special thanks to Jan Faracik for his work removing that use of the YahooUI JavaScript library.

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