Jenkins - CTM Integration

I have installed Jenkins and installed CTM plugin for worksoft.

However while configuring I am getting error as “PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target; <— unable to find valid certification path to requested target; <— unable to find valid certification path to requested target”

This happens after navigating to Dashboard–> Manage Jenkins → Configure system and applying parameters for Continuous Testing Manager Configuration
Portal URL

Please advise.

First result from Google says it’s a self signed cert/ssl issue and you need to import your certs.

Have you tried that? why doesn’t it solve what your problem is?
what else have you tried? Why doesn’t those solve your problem?

Thanks for response!

I get the following error “A CTM Suite must be specified! (1st step is specifying tenant)”

Any advise!!

Suites not getting populated in Jenkins thru’ CTM plugin. screen as below