Infrastructure Team Meeting - May 21, 2024

Attendees :busts_in_silhouette:

Announcements :loudspeaker:

  1. Weekly
    • 2.459 release is in progress, changelog merged, containers building
      • Packaging job regularly blocks on synchronization step
  2. LTS
    • 2.452.1 was released last week
    • All the infra was upgraded between Wednesday and Thursday
  3. Welcome Jay!

Upcoming Calendar :calendar:

  • Next Weekly: 2.460, 28 May 2024
  • Next LTS:
    • RC 2.452.2, Wed. 29 2024
    • 2.452.2, Jun. 12 2024
  • Next Security Release as per jenkinsci-advisories: N.A.
  • Next major event:
    • OSS Summit, Sept. in Vienna (Bruno V. and also our former Olivier Vernin friend!)
    • CD “mini” summit, the day after (same location, same players!)

Cloud Budgets

  • Azure (CDF paid)
    • February: $4,147.76 (invoice)
    • March: $4,398 (invoice)
    • April: :warning: $4,550 (invoice)
    • May (current): $2828 consumed (Forecast at ~4.2k)
  • Azure Sponsorship (Microsoft Credits)
    • Global Status:
      • Credits left: $27,960 until 31 August 2024
    • February: $1,992
    • March: $2,375
    • April: $2,041
    • May (current): $2656 (Forecast at ~4k)
  • DigitalOcean
    • Global Status:
      • Credits left: $16,560.58 until January 2025
    • February: $650
    • March: $938
    • April: $840
    • May (current): $606 (Forecast at ~$890)
  • AWS:
    • CloudBees:
      • February: $8,557
      • March: $9,567
      • April: $9,782
      • May (current): $6,361 (Forecast at ~$9.4k)
    • Sponsored account
      • Untouched (60k until January 2025)
      • Request submitted for 2025 donation from AWS
        • Mark Waite submitted, answer expected in June/July 2024

Notes :book: