Infrastructure Team Meeting - July 30, 2024

Attendees :busts_in_silhouette:

Announcements :loudspeaker:

  1. Weekly 2.469 (23 July 2024) went well (no issues) and was on time
  2. Weekly 2.470 (30 July 2024) started on time
  3. Next meeting cancelled (6 of August 2024)
    • Next meeting: 13 August 2024

Upcoming Calendar :calendar:

Cloud Budgets

  • Azure (CDF paid)
    • April: $4,550 (invoice)
    • May: $4,339 (invoice)
    • June: $4,287 (invoice)
    • July (current): $4218 consumed (:warning: Forecast at ~4.5k)
      • Need to carefully check why did it increase
      • Issue to create to migrate privatek8s (to decrease bill)
      • Issue to create to migrate and VMs (3) - (to decrease bill)
  • Azure Sponsorship (Microsoft Credits) - Remaining: $68641 until May 2025 (instead of August 2024)
    • April: $2k
    • May: $5k consumed
    • June: $7.3k consumed
    • July (current): $9613 consumed (:warning: Forecast at ~10k)
      • Issue to create about using spot instances to decrease costs (at least ask for quotas to Azure Support)
  • DigitalOcean
    • April: $840
    • May: $648
    • June: $165.32
    • July (current): $160 consumed (Forecast at $165)
      • Issue to create for a ā€œreference mirrorā€
  • AWS:
    • CloudBees:
      • April: $9,782
      • May: $8,281
      • June: $5,862 :+1:
      • July (current): $6k consumed (forecast 6.5k)
    • Sponsored account
      • Global Status:
        • Credits left: $60,000 until 31 January 2025
      • Untouched

Notes :book: