Infrastructure Team Meeting - April 23, 2024

Attendees :busts_in_silhouette:

Announcements :loudspeaker:

  1. Weekly release 2.455 is out (almost)
    • WAR and packages are :+1:
    • Changelog is out
    • Docker image is WiP (tag created, build/publish in progress)
  2. Team days off
    • Limited availability:
      • Stéphane out this week
      • Hervé out tomorrow
      • Damien out Thursday and Monday
  3. AWS sponsorship renewal for 2025
    • Schedule accelerated: deadline tomorrow
    • Mark will submit (check with board)

Upcoming Calendar :calendar:

  • Next Weekly: 2.456 (30 April 2024)
  • Next LTS: 2.452.1 - (15 May 2024) - Alex Brandes is release lead
  • Next Security Release as per jenkinsci-advisories: N.A.
  • Next major event:
    • Mark speaking at MileHigh Agile in Denver (Colorado) in 2 weeks

Notes :book: