Infrastructure Team Meeting - April 16, 2024

Attendees :busts_in_silhouette:

Announcements :loudspeaker:

  1. Weekly: 2.454 is out
    • Release process was :+1:
    • Changelog has been merged!
    • Usual Packaging stuck on OSUOSL => need infra action, Damien to open an issue to track this, but AFTER the LTS (see below)
    • Docker image is being built
  2. Tomorrow is LTS day! Don’t break anything
  3. Java patch day today: expect PRs to upgrade JDKs soon!

Cloud Billing

  • No cloud billing update this week (Damien’s late)
  • Azure bill is $100 higher than what the cost explorer shows => this the cost of monthly “standard” support

Upcoming Calendar :calendar:

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