How to change the stage result for scripted pipeline?


the NexusIQ Platform Jenkins plugin provides a NexusPolicyEvaluation() step.
This step sets stage result and the build result UNSTABLE when already findings with threatlevel
severe, but i want to have status UNSTABLE only if critical findings.

as i’ve found no other solutions for setting the stage result, i’ve tried

stage('\u2779 NexusIQ Scan') {
  nexusIQscan(pom, isReleaseBranch, nexusiqFailRelease, nexusiqFailAlways, sonarDebug: sonarDebug)
  if(NEXUSIQ_CRITICALS == '0') {
    println "Patch NexusIQ Stage result!"
    catchError(buildResult: 'SUCCESS', stageResult: 'SUCCESS') {
      sh "exit 1"

but still

Is there any other way to set the stage result !?
