How to cancel redundant builds on branches/pulls, but not master

I’m using jenkins pipelines, and have this disableConcurrentBuilds set - which right now if someone pushes a commit to a branch or pull request that is building, jenkins will cancel the existing build and start on the latest commit.

This is great for branches and pull requests, but I don’t want this to happen to master

How do I alter disableConcurrentBuilds s.t. that it doesn’t apply to master?

pipeline {
  agent any
  options {
    disableConcurrentBuilds(abortPrevious: true)

It can be done in a script step

if (env.CHANGE_ID != null) {
    properties([disableConcurrentBuilds(abortPrevious: true)])

but place that before anything that allocates an agent, so that it can be executed while all agents are busy.

Related discussion in

Thanks for pointing out that logic can be done like this. In my case I want to apply this to pull requests and branches – would env.BRANCH_ID != 'master' be more appropriate in this case?

Also - where do I stick this thing?

I currently have:

pipeline {
  agent any
  options {
    disableConcurrentBuilds(abortPrevious: true)

Doesn’t seem to like it if I stick if statements inside the options block

I did this in a convoluted way. The pipeline block has agent none and two stages:

  • stage('Options') inherits agent none and just uses a script step to run the if statement.
  • stage('Agent') specifies an actual agent and then contains nested stages that run on the agent.

This works, but the stage view looks a bit strange, as the time in spent the queue waiting for an agent to become available is accounted to stage('Agent').

Possibly the if statement could come before pipeline, but I did not try.