- @MarkEWaite (Mark Waite)
- @poddingue (Bruno Verachten)
- @basil (Basil Crow)
- @jonesbusy (Valentin Delaye)
- @slide_o_mix (Alex Earl)
- @kmartens27 (Kevin Martens)
- @oleg-nenashev Oleg Nenashev
- Simon Elbaz
Upcoming Calendar 
- Next weekly release: 2.501 Tuesday March 12, 2025
- Next LTS: 2.492.3 - April 2, 2025 - Bruno Verachten is release lead
- Release candidate March 19, 2025
- Release April 2, 2025
- LTS baseline selection: March 19, 2025
- Next major events:
- Linux Foundation Member Summit - Napa, CA, USA - March 18-20, 2025
- cdCon and Open Source Summit North America - Denver, CO, USA - June 23-25, 2025
- Jenkins wins DevOps Dozen award - most innovative open source project
- DevOps Dozen announcement
- Jenkins 2024 recap blog post
Action Items
- Basil create the attribution entries for the downloads page
- Continues on the to-do list draft PR
- Mark Waite submit Jenkins Contributor Summit summary blog post
- Mark Waite submit quarterly CDF status report (was due 7 Mar 2025)
- Mark Waite track reimbursements of all SPI funded attendees at Jenkins Contributor Summit
- Payments confirmed by SPI for
- Thorsten Scherler
- Phillip Glanz
- Valentin Delaye
- Stefan Spieker
- Jim Klimov
- Daniel Krämer
- Tim Jacomb
- Alexander Brandes
- Reiumbursement not yet requested for
- Jan Faracik
- Payments confirmed by SPI for
- Mark Waite propose further definition of sponsorship tiers
Community activity
- Summary of Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE 22x)
- Alyssa Tong, Basil Crow, and Mark Waite ran the Jenkins booth
- Good discussions with booth visitors
- Scott Williams presented Scalable Open Source Data Science on Bare Metal Kubernetes
- Jenkins automates the University of California Santa Barbara computer science classroom environments for data science
- Mark Waite presented a 5 minute talk - misperceptions in open source contribution
- Alyssa Tong, Basil Crow, and Mark Waite ran the Jenkins booth
- Summary of Contributor Summit
- Mark Waite preparing a blog post summary
- Agenda was very busy, completed the goals, and had good working sessions
- Blog post draft from Stefan Spieker on the community plugin maintainer inititative
- Breakout sessions were a great idea, allow people to join the area of interest
- Maintenance
- Jenkins 3
- Good to hear ideas of what people wanted to work on next
- Better search (backend and frontend) - how to channel that interest into code
- We’re good at small changes, but larger changes are much slower
- Lots of motivation, even on larger projects, but need to find ways to channel the interest into results in a reasonable amount of time
- Lots of motivation
- Mark Waite using blog post summary as Jenkins project summary to CDF Technical Oversight Committee
- Community plugin maintainers proposal for discussion in Jenkins developer mailing list
- Java 25 is another project coming that will sweep across all the plugins
- Jakarta EE 9 sweep has been much more smooth than the last sweep a year ago
- Did not have to battle with outdated sources in top 250 plugins
- Mark Waite preparing a blog post summary
- Jenkins Content Security Policy project part 2
- Project proposal submitted to Michael Winser of Alpha Omega
- Project approval seems unlikely
Governance Topics
- JFrog artifact storage reduction project (infra issue 4533)
- JFrog sponsorship allows not more than 5 TB storage, we were over 10 TB storage
- Darin Pope reduced our storage to less then 4 TB
- Remove outdated artifacts from incrementals (saved 1 TB)
- Dramatically reduced what we cache from Atlassian public
- Other reductions as necessary
- Refer to 2023 summary of previous bandwidth reduction project
- Cloud expenses and plans
- Azure (CDF paid)
- August: $4.5k
- September: $3.9k
- October: $4.2k
- November: $4.3k
- December: $4.4k
- January: $4.3k
- February: $4.0k
- Azure Sponsorship (Microsoft Credits) - $41k remaining, donation ends May 2025
- August: $10.5k
- September: $10.3k
- October: $12.9k
- November: $13k
- December: $9.5k
- January: $13.1k
- February: $11.2
- DigitalOcean - Remaining $15k (~5k consumed) until 02 January 2025
- August $200
- September: $158
- October: $196
- November: $146
- December: $192
- January: $219
- February: $237
- AWS:
- CloudBees:
- August: $6.3k
- September: $6.3k
- October: $6.4k
- November: $3.9k
- December: $540
- January: $543
- February: $550
- Sponsored account
- October: $178
- November: $482
- December: $600
- January: $1400
- February: $8.5k
- CloudBees:
- Azure (CDF paid)
- Future of Gradle toolchain for plugin development
- Gradle toolchain for plugin development is behind the Maven toolchain
- Gradle JPI plugin was not usable with latest LTS until change from Basil
- Basil converted a simple plugin as an example to use Gradle JPI
- Steve Hill and others released a new version
- Saw many other things out of sync, but not blockers
- Not using the plugin BOM
- Barely working now on the most recent LTS
- Will need more work to bring it to parity with the Maven HPI plugin
- No problem supporting it if it has feature parity
- Problem when it does not have feature parity with Maven ecosystem
- Oleg reviewed the JPI tools - possible Google Summer of Code project
- Current Gradle JPI plugin needs additional work
- Not impossible, just lots of work to do it
- Does it make sense in the long term?
- About 40 plugins use gradle, half those are deprecated
- Gradle plugin is a recommended plugin but is not tested in plugin BOM
- Would it make sense to convert gradle plugin to Maven
- Need the gradle plugin to remain functional
- Basil wrote an email message to the developer list
- About a dozen plugins with more than 1000 installations
- Gradle plugin has 230k installations, next closest is Multiple SCMs
- Gradle build process is not widely used
- Jenkins core team is not maintaining the gradle toolchain
- Steve Hill and Rahul S are maintaining it for their use case
- No desire to dictate a particular choice, but
- New plugins won’t be hosted with Gradle
- Considering the current state of Gradle JPI, Oleg supports that choice
- Are there key contributions that ask to use Gradle with a new plugin
- Gradle JPI gaps are a barrier to new plugin developers
- Hosting checker specifically performs Maven checks that would need to be extended for Gradle
- Validity checks in Maven would need to be developed for Gradle JPI plugin
- Summary: If there is interest to contribute, could be useful and a good first step
- Conventions plugin that represents a concept similar to the plugin parent pom
- Had several follow-up questions in the Kotlin foundation
- Put it in Kotlin because that is where Gradle participates in GSoC
- GSoC project would be a difficult step, but not likely enough to complete the work
- Gradle toolchain for plugin development is behind the Maven toolchain
- Next steps for a plugin adoption - Simon
- Works for an open source company, customer needs to integrate their commits
- Interested to help with the openstack cloud plugin
- Read the mail from Oliver Gondza that he is looking for maintainers
- Replied and pushed the pull request
- Approval not needed, since the plugin is up for adoption
- Last week adoption request, what’s next?
- Hosting request looks correct, just need to process the request
- Valid request, ready to process
- 4 members of the hosting team, Tim, Alex, Adrien, Markus @jenkins-infra/hosting pings the whole team
- Need to invite to the jenkinsci GitHub organization
- Ask them to continue processing the request
- Plugin BOM
- Jenkins infrastructure is struggling to release the plugin BOM
- What’s the primary goal of connecting the BOM release with the PCT?
- Previously ran the entire suite on every pull request
- Decided to save money by running only on weekly releases
- Less than once a week we risk not detecting test failures
- Need to run them enough to detect test failures
- Balance the cost and the benefits
- Infrastructure migration has not yet stabilized
- If the tests don’t pass, then we either need to fix the test or the infra
- What’s the primary goal of connecting the BOM release with the PCT?
- Jenkins infrastructure is struggling to release the plugin BOM