Governance Meeting, August 5, 2024


5 August 2024

Attendees :busts_in_silhouette:

Upcoming Calendar :calendar:



Action Items

  • Mark and Basil run the Jenkins 2024 election (started)
  • Basil create the attribution entries for the downloads page
  • Kevin Martens retire the Chinese Jenkins site
    • Delayed while Kevin is unavailable due to surgery
    • Kevin is scheduled to return 19 Aug 2024
    • Mark needs to do more Kubernetes setup, then Kevin and Mark will meet with Damien
    • More work pending
    • Basil has lots of experience with redirecting if needed, don’t break the URL’s

Community activity

  • Contributor Spotlight
    • 6 months of contributor spotlights completed, more to come
    • This week: Darin Pope
    • Thank a random contributor available now thanks to Kris Stern, Jean-Marc Meessen, and Bruno Verachten
    • Future spotlights - Alyssa Tong, and more

Governance Topics

  • Governance board and Jenkins officer nomination of candidates has started - Election Calendar
    • Governance board term ends in December for Alex and Ulli
    • Governance board positions are available for election for the term 2024/12/03 - 2026/12/02
    • All officer positions are up for election for the term 2024/12/17 - 2025/12/16
    • Mark and Basil are the election committee for this year’s elections
    • 5 candidates nominated and confirmed for the Jenkins governance board
    • 1 candidate nominated and confirmed for each officer position
  • Spring Security 6.x Upgrade - mailing list thread
    • Phase 1 - Apache File Upload 2.0 - done
    • Phase 2 - Require Java 17 in weekly - done
    • Phase 3 - Upgrade Jetty 10 to Jetty 12 EE 8 - 13 Aug 2024
      • Tests running in plugin compatibility tester
      • Core changes are finished, core pull request arriving soon
      • Many plugins adapted before the transition
      • Some plugins that will need to release in lock step with the new release
      • One more plugin needs adaptation - HTTP request
        • Otherwise we need to exclude its test from plugin BOM
    • Phase 4 - Upgrade Jetty 12 EE 8 to Jetty 12 EE 9 + Spring Security 6.x
      • Bigger change
      • Pull requests are prepared, needs more security review
      • No date selected yet, but coming after Jetty 12 EE 8
      • CloudBees internal checks are also running against Jetty 12 EE 8 and EE 9
      • Upgrade Jetty and Spring Security in this phase
      • Jenkins core has been tested with the changes, looking for more testing
      • Intentionally waiting until after the security release this week
    • Remember that plugin updates needed at same time as this upgrade
      • Documentation update on the Env Inject plugin that will be included in the LTS upgrade guide
        • Much larger project to make a larger fix
        • Multiple duplicates of this issue, likely more once Java 17 is required in LTS
        • Redirect people to that comment
    • Other details
  • Azure expense status
    • Azure expenses for CDF $4400 for July - in budget
    • Azure donation from Microsoft increased by $60,000 and extended to May 2025
    • Acceptance test harness runs with Spring Security 6.x Upgrade have been critical to project
      • Those Selenium tests are crucial for the key risk areas with Spring Security
      • ATH is now passing fully
  • AWS credits donation
    • AWS donation announced
    • Azure donated credits used for ephemeral agents
      • AWS credit consumption starts after Aug 31, 2024
  • AWS credit application for 2025
    • Application has been submitted - no answer yet
    • Mark Waite to check further to understand their schedule