Hello. Need some help. We are seeing job start delays after a hook trigger. Delay can be either 2 minutes or 2 hours…
[Tue Aug 23 12:10:00 MSK 2022] Received Push event to branch branch1 in repository test-webhook UPDATED event from → → ⇒ https://jenkins:8080/github-webhook/ with timestamp Tue Aug 23 11:52:08 MSK 2022
12:10:01 Connecting to https://api.github.com using GitHub service account for Dev team
Examining test-webhook
Checking branches...
Getting remote branch branch1...
Checking branch branch1
Getting remote pull requests from branch branch1...
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
Changes detected: branch1 (c79a23ad3b43e1bf678e72d262e81827 → 0b9b51cd919ff80262ea75e98194bdbd2)
Scheduled build for branch: branch1
1 branches were processed (query completed)
1 branches were processed
Finished examining test-webhook
[Tue Aug 23 12:10:03 MSK 2022] Push event to branch branch1 in repository test-webhook UPDATED event from → → ⇒ https://jenkins:8080/github-webhook/ with timestamp Tue Aug 23 11:52:08 MSK 2022 processed in 2.3 sec