Fails with "script returned exit code 1"

I have a groovy script which run jenkins pipeline. I have used powershell script. The exception thrown by the powershell script is not being print the catch block. Below is my code:

def call() {
    node {
        timestamps {
            ansiColor('xterm') {
                try {
                    powershell """
                        throw new Exception("ERROR: This is a test Exception.")
                } catch (error) {
                    println("Caught error: ${error.getMessage()}")

I have also tried with error.message, error.printStackTrace(), error.cause.getMessage(). None of the printing the error message. Instead I got “script returned exit code 1”.

Can you help me capturing the message?

The message script returned exit code 1 acctually is exception messsage.
I guess that you expected to see ERROR: This is a test Exception.
In that case you should use:

def call() {
    node {
        timestamps {
            ansiColor('xterm') {
				def statusCode = powershell( 
					script: """
						throw new Exception("ERROR: This is a test Exception.")
					returnStatus: true
				println("status code ${statusCode}")

def call() {
    node {
    def statusCode
        timestamps {
            ansiColor('xterm') {
                try {
                    statusCode = powershell """
                        throw new Exception("ERROR: This is a test Exception.")
                } catch (error) {
			println("status code ${statusCode}")

I tried this. This would print null in statusCode placeholder. @daotoan-hd

In this case, you need to use like this.

def call() {
    node {
    def stdout
    timestamps {
        ansiColor('xterm') {
            try {
                stdout= powershell ( 
                               script: """
                                  throw new Exception("ERROR: This is a test Exception.")
                              resturnStdout: true)

            } catch (error) {
                println("status code ${stdout}")