I am getting errorcode 3 running some exe files in windows, which is “file not found”.
I have tried to run them in a declative pipeline and from batch scripts.
I have found that windows exe files such as “calc.exe” work perfectly but the ones I am trying to
run that are unreal engine exe files do not. The only info im getting is:
" ERROR: script returned exit code 3
Finished: FAILURE"
I have checked the paths for oddness and tweaked file permissions.
None of this happens on command line, this is only when run from Jenkins.
Could be that the exe requires a DLL that is not found.
Can you run the exe on a command prompt? If yes is the “path” environment the same when run from Jenkins?
Thank you for the suggestions. I tried adding the contents of the windows path to the jenkins path. Also I tried running the exe while in the exe directory as well as in the project root. No change to the output which is still :
"ERROR: script returned exit code 3
Finished: FAILURE"
It’s an odd error, I don’t see much about it online. Here is my declarative step: