Error: Illegal base64 character 5f

Buen día comunidad,

una consulta al correr mi pipeline que tiene un git que tiene credenciales me genera esto “adjunto imagen”

no se porque lo genera, la credencial es correcta igual que el comando. no encuentro documentación para validar

Unfortunately, there is not enough information in your question to allow others to provide much help. A message like Illegal base64 character could come from a command you invoked or from something else. You’ll need to provide more information.

Try to always include these 3 things.

  1. what did you try? (Code samples, command lines, screenshots, videos, etc)
  2. what did happen? (Error messages, description, outputs, stuff)
  3. what did you expect to happen?

Otherwise, it’s hard for us to get into your context and you’ll have to have someone who is exactly knowledgeable come along.