Greeting! I setup a K8s-based Jenkins deployment using helm chart.
The installation of Jenkins controller in K8s cluster was smooth and I had no issue accessing the server once deployed.
I created a multi-branch project through Jenkins portal: not issue, either.
However, when I attempted to build project, which has following steps in its jenkinsfile:
stage(‘Build Docker Image’) {
sh “docker build --no-cache -t{pipelineParams.containerRegistryRepo}:{tag}-{branchTag} . --target=final --build-arg projectVersion={tag}-${branchTag}”
I got following error in the build log:
[Pipeline] sh
- docker build --no-cache -t . --target=final --build-arg projectVersion=2024.06.25.2-controller
ERROR: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
The build was using the built-in kubernetes cloud.
Here is the log of launching the agent pod:
Waiting for next available executor
Agent default-mbgn3 is provisioned from template default
apiVersion: “v1”
kind: “Pod”
annotations: “1719255279657”
… “http___vtsjenkins_jenkins_svc_cluster_local_8080x”
name: “default-mbgn3”
namespace: “jenkins”
- args:
- “********”
- “default-mbgn3”
env: - name: “JENKINS_SECRET”
value: “********”
image: “jenkins/jnlp-agent-docker:latest”
Pleas note that the docker image of the build agent is jenkins/jnlp-agent-docker:latest.
According to my test, “ERROR: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?” seems to be caused by the fact that docker daemon is not running?
Any idea on the above error?