- Kris Stern
- Kevin Martens
- Bruno Verachten
- Birajit
- Meg McRoberts
- Soham
- Manash
- Mark Waite
- Contributor spotlight for Kohsuke Kawaguchi published
- Great to share Kohsuke’s background and stories about Jenkins
- Kevin has interviewed Yaroslav Afenkin for the next spotlight
- Will also be performing additional interviews over the coming weeks for further spotlights.
- Spotlights to be published once per month
- Documentation developer experience - Meg McRoberts
- Initial documentation development setup was not working
- Can’t build based on the instructions
- Mark uses Docker CE (Docker Desktop for Ubuntu 22.04 - make run)
- Kris uses a macOS with Docker (make run)
- Kevin also using this setup and seems to work
- Others have shared that they have run things successfully
- Meg is seeing many complaints about file permissions
- Meg opened an issue to track it (record what others need to do)
- Docker minimum version is much older than the version she has
- Kevin added links to various docker installation instructions (Docker engine & docker desktop)
- Potentially work with Mark on initial setup/run
- Initial documentation development setup was not working
- Documentation fixes needed
- Disable search indexing of the docs.jenkins.io prototype site
- Oleg Nenashev detected that docs.jenkins.io is appearing in Google search results
- Searched for “Jenkins documentation officer” and outdated page on docs.jenkins.io was returned as 2nd link
- Proposal: Create a robots.txt file on docs.jenkins.io root that excludes indexing of all pages
- Still a prototype site, best not to confuse readers by how good looking it is
- A volunteer to create that robots.txt file as a pull request to the repository?
- Kris volunteered to set this up to prevent indexing on docs.jenkins.io
- Post meeting follow-up: Kris opened a pull request to add the needed robots.txt file at chore: add robots.txt file to versioned docs site to prevent indexing by krisstern · Pull Request #249 · jenkins-infra/docs.jenkins.io · GitHub and chore: disallow robots from antora site via playbook config by krisstern · Pull Request #250 · jenkins-infra/docs.jenkins.io · GitHub
- Appears to have resolved the issue
- Oleg Nenashev detected that docs.jenkins.io is appearing in Google search results
- Disable search indexing of the docs.jenkins.io prototype site
- Command palette blog post
- Also sent out as tweet/post from Jenkins account to increase visibility
- Search docs updated to reflect command palette
- Google Summer of Code - Kris Stern
- Blog announcing Jenkins in GSoC 2025
- New project ideas
- Chatbot plugin inside Jenkins to answer user question
- Mostly Jenkins resources/where to find, not necessarily how to do things in Jenkins
- Improving Tekton Client Plugin for Jenkins
- Kris plans to interview candidates to mentored projects
- Chatbot plugin inside Jenkins to answer user question
- New potential mentors
- V. Sreenivas
- Vibhav Bobade
- Completing versioned docs site/alternative build tools
- Mentors would be Kris Stern and Kevin Martens (and maybe also Bruno)
- Lots of activity in GSoC gitter channel, multiple people interested
- Potentially starting from scratch for the Gatsby part only vs working from what was done in ‘23, but definitely reusing the Antora part from the 2023 project
- May be more consistent to start over but further discussions will be had
- Mentors would be Kris Stern and Kevin Martens (and maybe also Bruno)
- Stories site retooling/rebuild/modernize (to some degree)
- May want to standardize how the stories site is (compared to spotlight)
- Multiple people interested in this as well
- May want to standardize how the stories site is (compared to spotlight)
- Project overview meetings held (March 5 & 6)
- Lots of interest in projects, recordings will be available
- Chinese documentation site and Chinese localization plugin
- Planned to retire it, but there are 58,000 installations of the Chinese localization plugin
- Runxia Ye and Mark discussed at FOSDEM
- Check the actual usage of the Chinese with analytics
- Check the actual usage of Chinese localization
- Alternative would be to find a funding source to translate latest messages to Chinese
- Kris will create a new issue to initiate adding native Chinese (both traditional and simplified) localization to Jenkins core natively
- https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/JENKINS-75364
- Are the Jenkins users already English speakers and don’t need Chinese localization?
- Potentially include Chinese localization in core and deprecate/disable plugin once it is complete
- Not enough data to determine one way or another just yet
- LTS releases
- Jenkins Contributor Summit
- Very successful, lots of work in the breakout groups and discussions overall
- Blog post recap to come from Mark Waite
- Recent work
- Thanks to Jim Klimov for submitting updates to the Jenkins on Kubernetes docs
- Thanks to Birajit for their recent work on updating the changelog archive, and many other efforts.
- Updates to “Manage Users”, Artwork, System Information, Books
- Submitted building a C++ app with jenkins tutorial
- One very ambitious pull is to update the master branch of jenkins.io to main
- Kevin testing and checking various sites/locations that could cause something to break
- Submitted some updates to Birajit’s fork for things like links in the documentation, but this does not cover how other sites may interact with this sort of change
- Thanks to Manash for their work on making the events calendar responsive
- Very nice to have, now responds to mobile devices and smaller window/screen sizes.
- Great collaboration with the community.
- Thanks to Lakshmi for the update to the jenkins.io thank you note styling
- Alpha Omega documentation project idea - improving open source security for Jenkins users - Mark Waite
- Further discussions had at Jenkins Contributor Summit - 31 Jan 2025
- Not sure about second collaboration yet, still time for them to make decisions
- Plugin Developer documentation
- Topic brought by Antoine Neveux at previous office hours
- Lots of warning signs in the documentation saying “work in progress”
- How can this be updated/enhanced and provide a more confident experience
- What would be the best way to address this?
- Improve a plugin tutorial helps, but does not address the developer documentation directly
- Blue Ocean Deprecation
- Work to remove Blue Ocean from documentation has begun
- Tutorials moved towards bottom of page and includes status note
- Status notes have been updated to indicate alternatives/replacements for pipeline visualization.