2023-01-27 (Asia)
- Mark Waite
- Kris Stern
- Action items
- None
- Debian 12 without JDK 11
- OpenJDK 17 will be available for Debian 12 when it releases in April or May 2023
- OpenJDK 11 will not be available as a package for Debian 12
- Docs SIG has decided that beginning at the release of Debian 12,
- Switch to document Linux installs with Java 17, not Java 11
- JDK 17 is already fully supported with Jenkins (has been since at least 2.346.1)
- Upcoming, Jenkins will eventually stop supporting Java 11
- GSoC
- Preparing for the application
- Refining and polishing the project ideas
- Pull requests of note
https://github.com/jenkins-infra/jenkins.io/pull/5888 - “Updating Jenkins” guide update
- Significant amount of work and content to add/update
- 40+ minutes of review of the pull request in the office hours
- Vandit’s work on this pull request is impressive. Great details and great content on a huge topic. We never expected that a new contributor would work on the upgrade guide and do such a good job
Added a lighttpd reverse proxy example by hector-vido · Pull Request #5900 · jenkins-infra/jenkins.io · GitHub - adding Lighttpd reverse proxy info
- Needs testing/verification before adding
Uninstalling a plugin #1531 by ritikbanger · Pull Request #1538 · jenkinsci/docker · GitHub - Uninstalling a plugin from Docker container
- Needs testing/verification
- May need discussion with Docker experts
- May want it ultimately on www.jenkins.io
https://github.com/jenkins-infra/jenkins.io/pull/5888 - “Updating Jenkins” guide update