We use Jenkins shared libraries and need to support the ability of individual repositories to override the default JDK. We have added OpenJDK-20
and OpenJDK-11
in Jenkins > Manage Jenkins as available JDKs alongside the default JDK 8. Now, how can I express this conditional within the tools
Current pipeline definition (debug_pipeline.groovy
// Jenkins declarative pipeline for debugging Jenkins agent
def call (body) {
def pipelineParams= [:]
body.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
body.delegate = pipelineParams
pipeline {
agent any
options {
// Prepend all console output generated by the
// Pipeline run with the time at which the line was emitted
tools {
// Define tools to auto-install and put on the PATH
// The tool name must be pre-configured in Jenkins under Manage Jenkins → Tools.
maven 'apache-maven-3.9.3'
jdk 'OpenJDK-20'
stages {
stage('Initialize') {
steps {
stage('Debug') {
steps {
sh 'command -v java && java -version'
sh 'command -v mvn && mvn -version'
Now, I would like for the use of JDK 11 or 20 to be optional by having projects use pipeline parameters to specify them. I have tried:
tools {
if (pipelineParams.maven != 'system') {
maven pipelineParams.maven
if (pipelineParams.jdk != 'system') {
jdk pipelineParams.jdk
And the invoking repository’s Jenkinsfile
@Library('pipeline-library') _
debug_pipeline {
Greeting = 'Goodbye'
jdk = 'OpenJDK-20'
maven = 'apache-maven-3.9.3'
However, this errors with debug_pipeline.groovy: 15: Expected to find ‘someTool "someVersion"’
. It also seems that I cannot use when
within tools
So, how can I effectively allow projects to override the JDK using pipeline parameters?
Jenkins setup: Jenkins 2.346.3 with Linux agents.
(reposted from groovy - Conditional within Jenkins `tool` block - Stack Overflow)