Can we get more Jenkinsfile line information in Jenkins exception stack traces?

One thing which makes Jenkins very difficult to develop with is that the Java exceptions that occur when there is a problem are very difficult to relate to a specific line in the Jenkinsfile that produced it. Is there a plan to improve this in the future?

What kind of field do you try to troubleshoot?

Commonly, the pipeline plugins provide information like:

23:24:41  WorkflowScript: 7: Unknown stage section "withEnv". Starting with version 0.5, steps in a stage must be in a ‘steps’ block. @ line 7, column 9.
23:24:41             stage('Build') {
23:24:41             ^
23:24:41  WorkflowScript: 7: Expected one of "steps", "stages", or "parallel" for stage "Build" @ line 7, column 9.
23:24:41             stage('Build') {
23:24:41             ^
23:24:41  2 errors

when a Jenkinsfile is improperly formatted, steps are out of bounds or tools don’t exist, before the stacktrace.