Hello Team,
Iam using 2.289.1 jenkins version and the pipeline is failing at archive stage and in our groovy file step is like below:-
stage(‘Archive’) {
def archiveString = componentObject.RetrieveArchiveString()
if(!archiveString) {
archiveString = ‘Components\’ + componentId + ‘\Applicatio\bin\x86\Releas\’ + componentId + ‘.dll, Components\’ + componentId + ‘\html\\*, *.xml, Components\’ + componentId + '\CoveragReport\\, Component\’ + component + '\NDependOut\**\, Component\’ + component + ‘\.sonarqube\**\*’
nunit testResultsPattern: ‘TestResult.xml’
step([$class: ‘WarningsPublishe’, canComputeNew: false, canResolveRelativePath: false, defaultEncoding: ‘’, excludePattern: ‘’, healthy: ‘10’, includePattern: ‘’, messagesPattern: ‘’, parserConfiguration: [[parserName: ‘FxCop’, pattern: ‘fxcop-result.xml’]], unHealthy: ‘999’])
archive archiveString
Can anyone please suggest me what changes i need to do in “archive” stage?
I checked in google that we need to below command but iam not sure how to add the command to my archive stage step
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'screenshots/**,build/test/results/*.xml', allowEmptyArchive: true