You’ve not provided enough details so that others can duplicate your configuration. The details you’ve provided are using an unmaintained container image. Assisting without enough information is a frustrating experience for those who try to assist. Please provide clear steps of the exact changes you made so that others can duplicate your configuration exactly.
I took the following steps to confirm that I can use the jenkins/ssh-agent:5.22.0-alpine3.19-jdk21
container image with Jenkins 2.426.2 running with Java 21.
- I added an ED 25519 SSH private key to my Jenkins 2.426.2 controller running with Java 21 and then on another machine, called “testing-b”, I started the ssh-agent container image listening on port 2200 and using the ssh public key like this:
docker run -d --rm --name=agent \
--publish 2200:22 \
-e "JENKINS_AGENT_SSH_PUBKEY=ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHoGWb80kSBywPtvWbgeng7itaw7Tu6d/nXaxIKTQ05Z" \
- I added the ssh private key associated with that ED25519 public key to my Jenkins 2.426.2 controller as a credential for the user “jenkins”
- I configured a Jenkins agent on my Jenkins 2.426.2 controller with the agent home directory “/home/jenkins/agent”, the hostname “testing-b”, and the port 2200
- I clicked “Launch agent” and confirmed that the agent connected correctly
I did not use the docker plugin to control that agent because I did not want the added complexity of configuring a network accessible docker daemon. Using a static agent is enough to show that the authentication works and the agent is connected.